Chronic relapse
The very worst thing a parent can hear is that after sending their child or loved one to drug and/or alcohol rehabilitation is that they’ve relapsed. Chronic relapse has become a near certainty in the eyes of many families in Van Wert OH. Chronic relapse is the primary reason family and community members feel that rehabilitation is a waste of money, time and effort. Not to mention the fact that many addicts are resistant to treatment because they are afraid to fail. So often many people look upon the addicts living in this community as “a lost cause” because time and time again, they try to do well…and then relapse. It may come as a shock to some but there is such thing as “recovery sabotage”. It can come in many forms. I, personally, suffered from that during my initial recovery period, I never relapsed but there were plenty of people who were more than willing to participate in my demise and certainly willing to participate in the demise of my recovery plan. I see the same thing happening in Van Wert OH. Let’s be clear, it isn’t always someone else who sabotages a persons’ recovery. Addicts are totally capable of doing that to themselves. It’s a perplexing issue. An issue that needs to be discussed and overcome in Van Wert OH.
At Angel Intervention Services we work hard to allow a recovering addict to learn the difference between “recovery sabotage” and “self-sabotage” and gain a clear understanding of “why”. We work tirelessly to be certain that people coming into our offices have a clear and full understanding of what we are working on to prevent recovery sabotage. Our clients come in voluntarily because they are looking for a different way to fulfill their desire to be recovered, once and for all. We know it’s not easy, we also know that every single person won’t make it, but that won’t stop us from trying. My mother once told me “let no one stand in the way of your dreams”. My dream has always been to help as many people as possible over come addiction. I created Angel Intervention Services to fulfill that purpose. Come see us and let us help you create your dream of recovery.